East Texas Athletic Trainers Association

Welcome to the East Texas Athletic Trainers Association (ETATA) website.  ETATA is an association comprised of professional athletic trainers from around the East Texas area.  It was created to promote the profession, educate the students, enhance learning and provide scholarship opportunities.


To create a professional community that educates, promotes, and advances the core values of athletic training throughout East Texas.

The Core Values of the East Texas Athletic Trainers Association are:

    • Through a regional organization, support TSATA, SWATA and NATA policies, guidelines, goals, objectives, and ideas.
    • Through a regional organization, provide low cost, high quality continuing educational units for the professional athletic trainer.
    • Through a regional organization, promote the profession of the (certified and licensed) athletic trainer.
  • Through a regional organization, enhance the student-trainer education and opportunities

2025 Annual Symposium:

After much deliberation and discussion between the board and The University we will not be able to make up the 2025 workshop.  It is with a broken heart and sadness that we make the announcement that we will not have a workshop this year.  With all of our jobs and spring breaks and everything else involved we could not find a date that works for ETATA.
ETATA will still have the Hall of Honor inductions but it will be held at a later date.  The Hall of Honor committee has elected to add the inductions to the luncheon at the 2025 golf tournament on June 2nd. Be sure to check out the Golf page for addition information regarding the scholarship tournament.

Annual Sponsors: