What is the ETATA Scholarship Golf Tournament:
The East Texas Athletic Trainers Association for the last 18 years has put on, with the help of many dedicated sponsors, a golf tournament to raise money in the organization. The tournament has generated almost twenty thousand dollars in that time to be given out in scholarship. The tournament is a four-man team playing scramble golf. Top three teams with the lowest scores are awarded prizes. It averages 15 teams each year. Door prizes are awarded as well. Many players buy in on the mulligans, which are designed to bring an element of fun to the game.
Purpose of Tournament:
The tournament benefits two memorial scholarships set up in the association. One is the Monty Jameson Memorial Scholarship, which is given to two high school seniors planning on attending college and work as student trainers in an athletic training program. The other is the Scott Allen Memorial Scholarship given to two deserving college sophomore currently enrolled in a training program in the East Texas area.
Who comes to play in the tournament:
Being that the association is a health care based and comprised of athletic trainers, many health care professionals such as trainers, doctors, and orthopedic surgeons come to play in the event. Many coaches and high school administrators come out and support the cause as well. However, the tournament is open to any golfer, regardless of skill level that wishes to have a good time and support students in the East Texas are continue their education.